Voor Kadaster zijn wij op zoek naar een Advising on Land Administration MENA Region.
Assignment description
The Netherlands’ Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency – in short Kadaster – collects and registers administrative and spatial data on property and the rights involved. This also goes for ships, aircraft and telecom networks. Doing so, Kadaster protects legal certainty. We are also responsible for national mapping and maintenance of the national reference coordinate system. Furthermore, we are an advisory body for land-use issues and national spatial data infrastructures.
Our information is available predominantly through online web services, including information on energy labels of houses and underground cables and pipelines. Our main customer groups are civil-law notaries, local authorities, businesses, financial institutions and private individuals. Kadaster maintains the Key Registers Cadastre and Topography.
Kadaster performs its public tasks in service of society. This is reflected in the way we are organised and the ways in which we publicly account for how we work.
Kadaster carries out international activities. Together with national partners worldwide, such as governmental organisations and universities, we further develop knowledge and skills in land administration and geographic data. In addition, we actively participate in international umbrella organisations. Kadaster International is a department within Kadaster that carries out and coordinates a large part of these international activities.
Detailed description of the assignment in which the expert is put to work:
Kadaster International requires advising expertise on land administration in the Middle East Northern Africa (MENA) region. This expertise is needed for a project that requires specific local and regional knowledge and specific expertise on Land Administration practices in the MENA region. The consultant will complement the Kadaster International team with unique knowledge and expertise that is required to execute the project.
Background information on the project
This proposed project in the MENA region is designed to strengthen the capacity of governmental institutions, which is a crucial factor in empowering farmers and improving land governance on the short and long term. By focusing on capacity strengthening, the project aims to modernize state functions in several key areas, ultimately leading to better support for farmers and the protection of their land rights.
Assignment description
For the execution of the project activities of Kadaster in this project, you will be responsible to manage the project as well as advise on Land administration for the MENA region in general.
More specifically you will be responsible for overseeing and coordinating a project aimed at enhancing governance capacity and public services for land management. This role involves extensive collaboration with various institutions, developing and managing project plans, and designing a comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) plan. The project will be managed both on site and remotely, with support from a local consultant on-site as needed.
In addition to that you support the business development of Kadaster International in the MENA Region. You will apply knowledge and expertise in the domain of Land Administration in the MENA region to project proposals and initiatives undertaken by Kadaster International. Additionally, you will enhance the existing knowledge and expertise of Kadaster employees regarding specific developments in the domain of Land Administration in the MENA region. You will support Kadaster International’s advisors in creating popular publications by recommending and including developments and updates from the MENA region.
* Mandatory statement of your certified copy of the Chamber of Commerce. This
must show the signatory's authority to sign this agreement
* You only add one resume. This resume should show that you meet the
requirements below. If, in the opinion of Kadaster, you do not meet the
requirements, your offer will be set aside and will not be included in the
assessment of the award criteria. Below are the requirements the candidate
must meet. For each requirement, please explain (briefly) why you believe
the candidate meets the requirement. Referring to the CV is not sufficient
* You hold a Master’s degree in the field of land administration or
geo-information or related field
* You have a thorough understanding of land administration in an
international environment. This entails knowledge about state of the art
concepts and practices in land administration in various tenure systems and
country contexts, as well as socio-economic and technical developments as
well as trends and innovations in the land administration domain
* You have extensive experience working with leading international agencies
focusing on international Government to Government support
* You have at least 15 year international working experience in consultancy
in the domain of Land Administration in different countries
* You have worked in leadership positions project manager, programme manager
a/o manager in the MENA region
* You have an established network with governmental agencies and other
stakeholders working in the domain of Land Administration and
geo-Information in the MENA region
* You speak and write English and Arabic fluently
* Competencies the candidate should have: • Quality-focused; •
Results-driven; • Communicative skills; • Independence; • Ability to form
judgement. • Knowledge transfer
* You give a description of the approach (max. 300 words) for the work to be
carried out based on the most important tasks and responsibilities for the
specific issues of Kadaster (see also assignment description and
* You clearly show (max. 300 words) how the expertise and competencies you
have delivered within the outlined situation contribute to the results to
be achieved (see also assignment description and responsibilities)
* The emphasis is on the requirements and the qualitative award criteria
Algemene informatie m.b.t. de aanvraag:
Locatie: Mena Region
Startdatum: 14-4-2025
Duur: 23 maanden
Einddatum: 31-3-2027
Optie op verlenging: 1 x 1 jaar
Inzet per week: 2-14 uur
Tarief: marktconform
Sluitingsdatum: 28-3-2025 9:00
Meer informatie
Zo zorg je ervoor dat jouw aanbieding opvalt: * CV in topvorm: Lever je CV aan in Word-formaat, in de taal van de opdracht en in een professionele en prettige leesbare lay-out. Maak het CV niet langer dan 7 pagina’s. Laat zien dat je oog hebt voor detail.
* Persoonlijke motivatie: Schrijf een overtuigende motivatie in de 'ik-vorm’, waarin je kort en bondig ingaat op de scope van de opdracht. Licht puntsgewijs toe hoe jij aansluit bij de gestelde eisen en wensen.
* Beschikbaarheid: Vermeld per wanneer je beschikbaar bent, hoeveel uren per week je kunt werken en of je vakantieplannen hebt.
* Tarief of maandsalaris: Vermeld je uurtarief (exclusief BTW) of maandsalaris, specifiek voor deze opdracht, inclusief reis- en eventuele verblijfskosten.
N.B. * Voor deze opdracht werk je uitsluitend met ons samen. Dit betekent dat je je niet via andere intermediairs voor dezelfde opdracht inschrijft. Zo voorkomen we verwarring in het selectieproces en maximaliseren we jouw kansen.
* Onvolledige aanbiedingen kunnen we niet in behandeling nemen.
* Wij houden je op de hoogte van elke stap in het selectieproces: Heb je vragen? Wij zijn er om ze te beantwoorden.
Trefwoorden: Advising on Land Administration MENA Region
ICQ Groep
Ron Brussaard
ZZP, freelance, interim vacature
Mena Region
ICQ Groep
Ron Brussaard
ZZP, freelance, interim vacature
Mena Region
start project:
duur opdracht:
uren per week:
40 uur
18-03-2025 13:32:52
duur opdracht:
uren per week:
40 uur
18-03-2025 13:32:52